369 research outputs found

    The Andean Information System for Disaster Prevention and Relief: A case study of multi-national open-source SDI

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    The Andean Information System for Disaster Prevention an Relief (SIAPAD) is an initiative promoted by the Andean Committee for Disaster Risk Prevention and Relief (CAPRADE), providing tools for discovery, visualization and acces to data related to disaster risk, available in different organizations vithin the countries of the Community of Andean Nations (CAN): Bolivia, Colombia, the Andean Community to develop a multi-level Spatial Data Infrastructure. SIAPAD includes four naational GeoRiesgo portals which allow to search and display relevant information to support decision making during the different phases of disaster risk management nine organizations in each country, using the CS-W standar, The goportals, as well as most of the source SDI nodes have been implemented using an open-source software stack

    Efecto de la estimulación mecánica sobre células madre aplicado a la regeneración de cartílago

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    La baja capacidad de regeneración del cartílago hialino articular ha estimulado el desarrollo de numerosas terapias, con resultados poco satisfactorios hasta la fecha. Desde hace años la ingeniería tisular ha puesto a punto diferentes procedimientos in vitro para favorecer la diferenciación condrogénica de células madre mesenquimales. Debido a los buenos resultados que se han alcanzado, algunos de los constructos obtenidos con estas técnicas han acabado implantándose en pacientes con lesiones condrales u osteocondrales, pero con fracasos a medio y largo plazo en muchos de los casos. Es por ello que esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo seguir profundizando en las técnicas de ingeniería tisular aplicadas a las terapias de las lesiones condrales, concretamente se han estudiado diferentes mecanismos para conseguir la diferenciación condrogénica de células madre mesenquimales de pulpa dental humana (hDPSC), promoviendo la síntesis de proteínas características de la matriz extracelular cartilaginosa hialina. Por un lado, se han cultivado hDPSC en hidrogeles y en forma de organoide celular o microtejidos con diferentes medios de cultivo (proliferación celular o diferenciación condrogénica), a lo largo de diferentes tiempos (3 días y 2, 4 y 6 semanas). Los resultados han revelado que el cultivo en un entorno tridimensional induce la diferenciación condrogénica, mientras que el cultivo con medio de inducción condrogénica promueve la síntesis de proteínas o proteoglicanos características de la matriz extracelular condral, como son el agrecano y el colágeno de tipo II, a tiempos más cortos. Finalmente, la estimulación de microtejidos de hDPSC mediante campos magnéticos y fuerzas mecánicas indujo la diferenciación condrogénica a los 3 días de tratamiento, promoviendo la síntesis de estas proteínas fundamentales de la matriz condral de manera más consistente, mientras que un tiempo de estimulación más largo (2 semanas) indujo la producción de colágeno de tipo I, característico del fibrocartílago. En definitiva, el cultivo de hDPSC en modo de microtejido induce la diferenciación condrogénica y la síntesis de proteínas características de la matriz extracelular del cartílago hialino. Además, su estimulación mediante fuerzas electromagneto-mecánicas acelera este proceso de diferenciación, generándose una matriz de proteínas condrales consistente a lo largo del tiempo.The low regeneration capacity of hyaline joint cartilage has stimulated the development of numerous therapies, with unsatisfactory results. For years, tissue engineering has tuned up different in vitro procedures to promote chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Due to the good results obtained, some of the constructs elaborated with these techniques have ended up being implanted in patients with chondral or osteochondral lesions, but with medium- and long-term failures in many of the cases. Therefore, the aim of this Doctoral Thesis is to get in deeper knowledge about several tissue engineering techniques applied in chondral injuries therapies. More specifically, different mechanisms have been studied to achieve chondrogenic differentiation of human dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells (hDPSC), promoting the synthesis of characteristic proteins of the extracellular cartilaginous hyaline matrix. On the one hand, hDPSC have been cultivated in hydrogels and cellular organoid or microtissue form with different culture media (cellular proliferation or chondrogenic differentiation), over different times (3 days and 2, 4 and 6 weeks). The results have revealed that culture in a three-dimensional environment induces chondrogenic differentiation, while culture with chondrogenic induction medium promotes the synthesis of characteristic proteins or proteoglycans of the chondral extracellular matrix, such as aggrecan and type II collagen, at shorter times. Finally, stimulation of hDPSC microtissues by electromagnetic fields and mechanical forces induced chondrogenic differentiation after 3 days of treatment, promoting the synthesis of these fundamental proteins of the chondral matrix more consistently, while a longer stimulation time (2 weeks) induced production of type I collagen, characteristic of fibrocartilage. Briefly, the culture of hDPSC in the microtissue model induces chondrogenic differentiation and the synthesis of proteins characteristic of the extracellular matrix of hyaline cartilage. Furthermore, its stimulation by electromagnetic-mechanical forces accelerates this differentiation process, generating a consistent matrix of chondral proteins over time

    Bayesian temporal and spatio-temporal Markov switching models for the detection of influenza outbreaks

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    Influenza is a disease which affects millions of people every year and causes hundreds of thousends of deads every year. This disease causes substantial direct and indirect costs every year. The influenza epidemic have a particular behavior which shapes the statistical methods for their detection. Seasonal epidemics happen virtually every year in the temperate parts of the globe during the cold months and extend throughout whole regions, countries and even continents. Besides the seasonal epidemics, some nonseasonal epidemics can be observed at unexpected times, usually caused by strains which jump the barrier between animals and humans, as happened with the well known Swine Flu epidemic, which caused great alarm in 2009. Several statistical methods have been proposed for the detection of outbreaks of diseases and, in particular, for influenza outbreaks. A reduced version of the review present in this thesis has been published in REVSTAT-Statistical Journal by Amorós et al. in 2015. An interesting tool for the modeling of statistical methods for the detection of influenza outbreaks is the use of Markov switching models, where latent variables are paired with the observations, indicating the epidemic or endemic phase. Two different models are applied to the data according to the value of the latent variable. The latent variables are temporally linked through a Markov chain. The observations are also conditionally dependent on their temporal or spatio-temporal neighbors. Models using this tool can offer a probability of being in epidemic as an outcome instead of just a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Bayesian paradigm offers an interesting framework where the outcomes can be interpreted as probability distributions. Also, inference can be done over complex hierarchical models, as usually the Markov switching models are. This research offer two extensions of the model proposed by Martinez-Beneito et al. in 2008, published in Statistics in Medicine. The first proposal is a framework of Poison Markov switching models over the counts. This proposal has been published in Statistical Methods in Medical Research by Conesa et al. in 2015. In this proposal, the counts are modeled through a Poisson distribution, and the mean of these counts is related to the rates through the population. Then, the rates are modeled through a Normal distribution. The the mean and variance of the rates depend on whether we are in the epidemic or nonepidemic phase for each week. The latent variables which determine the epidemic phase are modeled through a hidden Markov chain. The mean and the variance on the epidemic phase is considered to be larger than the ones on the endemic phase. Different degrees of temporal dependency of the mean of the data can be defined. A first option is be to consider the rates conditionally independent. A second option is to consider that every observation is conditionally dependent on the previous observation through an autoregressive process of order 1. Higher orders of dependency can be defined, but we limited our framework of models to an autoregressive process of order 2 to avoid unnecessary complexity, as no big changes in the outcome were appreciated using higher orders of autocorrelation. The application of this framework of methods over several data bases showed that this proposal outperforms other methodologies present in the literature. It also stresses several difficulties in the process of evaluation of statistical methods for the detection of influenza outbreaks. The second proposal of this research is a spatio-temporal Markov switching model over the differentiated rates, which are considered to follow a normal distribution, with mean and variance parameters dependent on the epidemic state. The latent variables are modeled in the same way as in the temporal proposal, but having one conditionally independent hidden Markov chain for each of the locations. The variance of the endemic phase is also considered to be lower than that of the epidemic phase. Three components are defined for the mean of the differentiated rates: First of all, a common term for all the regions for each time is set in both the endemic and epidemic mean. These terms are defined as two random effects, with mean zero and a higher variance for the epidemic phase. The variances of these random effects are linked to those of the likelihood to avoid problems of identifiability. An autoregressive term for each location is also defined for the epidemic term, as it is expected that from the begining of the epidemic until the peak we observe similar positive jumps and from the peak to the end of the epidemic we observe similar negative jumps. An intrinsic CAR structure is also defined for the epidemic mean, considering that the epidemic can spread to neighbor regions which will have similar epidemic increases of the rates. This proposal has been applied over the United States Google Flu Trends data from 2007 to 2013 for the 48 spatially connected states plus Washington D.C. The comparison of the model with several simplifications and variations has stressed the necessity of several of the assumptions made during the modeling process

    Evolución de la comunicación corporativa de los clubes ‘modestos’ de la ACB por la COVID-19

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    La pandemia de la COVID19 ha obligado a cambiar nuestra vida y nuestros hábitos de un día para otro. Las relaciones sociales se vieron muy afectadas por el confinamiento de 2020, pero gracias a él, la comunicación se pudo reinventar. Concretamente vamos a estudiar la evolución de la comunicación corporativa en los gabinetes de prensa de tres equipos de la ACB (Urbas Fuenlabrada, BAXI Manresa y Hereda San Pablo Burgos). En esta investigación nos interesa especialmente conocer cuál fue la reacción de los responsables de los gabinetes de prensa ante la inesperada crisis sanitaria. Para ello hemos preguntado, mediante una encuesta, por la existencia de planes de comunicación, por acciones de comunicación, por el contacto con los diferentes públicos (seguidores, medios de comunicación y patrocinadores). Además, queremos conocer la realidad del trabajo que llega a los públicos y para ello vamos a llevar a cabo un análisis de contenido de redes sociales, concretamente, en Instagram. Ambos procedimientos, encuesta y análisis de contenido de redes sociales se harán a su vez en un estudio de caso con los equipos de la ACB, Urbas Fuenlabrada, BAXI Manresa y Hereda San Pablo Burgos. Además, queremos conocer la opinión de los jefes de gabinete con respecto al futuro de la comunicación corporativa deportiva. Nosotros planteamos la posibilidad de que, en un contexto de plena normalidad, las herramientas adoptadas para el desarrollo de la comunicación corporativa también puedan ser usadas en el futuro.The COVID19 pandemic has forced us to change our lives and habits from one day to the next. Social relations were greatly affected by the 2020 lockdown, but thanks to it, communication could be reinvented. Specifically, we are going to study the evolution of corporate communication in the press offices of three ACB teams (Urbas Fuenlabrada, BAXI Manresa and Hereda San Pablo Burgos). In this research we are especially interested in knowing what was the reaction of those responsible for the press offices in the face of the unexpected health crisis. For this we have asked, through a survey, about the existence of communication plans, about communication actions, about contact with the different audiences (followers, media and sponsors). In addition, we want to know the reality of the work that reaches the public and for this we are going to carry out an analysis of the content of social networks, specifically, on Instagram. Both procedures, survey and content analysis of social networks will in turn be carried out in a case study with the teams of the ACB, Urbas Fuenlabrada, BAXI Manresa and Hereda San Pablo Burgos. In addition, we want to know the opinion of the chiefs of staff regarding the future of sports corporate communication. We propose the possibility that, in a context of full normality, the tools adopted for the development of corporate communication may also be used in the future

    Aplicación de la Ergonomía para mejorar la productividad del área sala de operaciones de cirugía general del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins EsSalud, 2017

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    En la actualidad, la calidad de los servicios en el ámbito de la salud es inmensamente complejo, pues todo gira en base al ser humano, siendo este el principal motor del éxito o fracaso de un centro Quirúrgico, por ello que la adaptabilidad de los instrumentos de trabajo al hombre, el ambiente donde este se desempeña, las herramientas y el procedimiento que utiliza deben responder a las necesidades de cada área de trabajo. En ese sentido, el objetivo principal de la presente investigación es determinar de qué manera la aplicación de la ergonomía mejora la productividad del área Sala de Operaciones de cirugía general del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins ESSALUD, teniendo en cuenta que el trabajo debe ser adaptado al hombre y no el hombre al trabajo

    Sistema de MRP y la productividad en sala de operaciones 2B del H.N.E.R.M.E. 2020

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    El presente investigación denominado “Sistema de MRP y la Productividad en Sala de Operaciones 2B del H.N.E.R.M.E. 2020”, siendo el objetivo general determinar la relación que existe entre el sistema de MRP y la productividad en sala de operaciones 2B del H.N.E.R.M.E. El tipo de investigación es básica, de diseño no experimental, descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal, bajo el enfoque cuantitativo. La población de estudio estuvo conformado por 120 trabajadores entre enfermeras y médicos del H.N.E.R.M.E; la muestra fue no probabilistica y se trabajó el total de la población, según los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó el instrumento llamado cuestionario para medir las variables de estudio de Sistema de MRP y la productividad en sala de operaciones 2B del H.N.E.R.M.E. 2020, por lo tanto se obtuvo una confiabilidad de Alpha de Crombach 0,837 para la variable de Sistema de MRP y 0,861 para la variable de la productividad en sala de operaciones 2B del H.N.E.R.M.E. 2020. por lo tanto el análisis estadístico se realizó a través de software SPSS versión 22, también se utilizaron técnicas de estadística descriptiva. De tal manera se obtuvo un coeficiente de correlación Rho Spearman = 0,932 siendo una relación directa positiva muy fuerte, con un p=0.000 (p<0.05), con el cual se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna. Llegando a la conclusión que existe relación entre el Sistema de MRP y productividad en sala de operaciones 2B del H.N.E.R.M.E. 2020

    Prevalencia de patologías causantes de decomiso en hígados de vacunos beneficiados en el camal particular de Azoguine de la ciudad de Puno

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    El trabajo de investigación se realizó en el Camal particular Azoguine de la Ciudad de Puno, el cual tuvo como objeto determinar la prevalencia de las diferentes patologías en los hígados de los vacunos beneficiados en setiembre y octubre del 2017 y determinar las patologías referentes al sexo y edad mediante el examen post mortem. Se evaluaron 169 hígados de vacunos, habiéndose hallado la prevalencia general para alteraciones hepáticas de 38.46%, siendo los más prevalentes la hidatidosis con 79.23%, la fasciolosis con 21.54% y la cisticercosis con 10.77%; los menos prevalentes fueron la atrofia hepática con 1.54%, las telangiectasias con 4.62% y las cirrosis hepática y abscesos con 7.69 y 3.08% respectivamente. Referente al sexo las hembras presentaron prevalencia de 50.85%, 22.03% y 10.17% para la hidatidosis, fasciolosis y cisticercosis respectivamente, los machos mostraron prevalencias para la hidatidosis, fasciolosis y cisticercosis de 33.33% y 16.66% y 16.6% respectivamente. Concerniente a la edad los vacunos (registro de ingreso de los vacunos al camal) de 4 a más años mostraron prevalencias mayores para la hidatidosis con 50%, fasciolosis con 21.67% y 10% para la cisticercosis, los animales de 1 a 3 años fueron prevalentes para la hidatidosis, fasciolosis, cisticercosis y cirrosis con valores de 40, 20, 20 y 20% respectivamente, de ello se concluye que los hígados de vacunos se encuentran con presencia de lesiones patológica en un 38.46% lo cuales no son aptas para consumo humano.Tesi

    Statistical Quality Control with the qcr Package

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    [Abstract] The R package qcr for Statistical Quality Control (SQC) is introduced and described. It includes a comprehensive set of univariate and multivariate SQC tools that completes and increases the SQC techniques available in R. Apart from integrating different R packages devoted to SQC (qcc, MSQC), qcr provides nonparametric tools that are highly useful when Gaussian assumption is not met. This package computes standard univariate control charts for individual measurements, (Formula presented), S, R, p, np, c, u, EWMA, and CUSUM. In addition, it includes functions to perform multivariate control charts such as Hotelling T2, MEWMA and MCUSUM. As representative features, multivariate nonparametric alternatives based on data depth are implemented in this package: r, Q and S control charts. The qcr library also estimates the most complete set of capability indices from first to the fourth generation, covering the nonparametric alternatives, and performing the corresponding capability analysis graphical outputs, including the process capability plots. Moreover, Phase I and II control charts for functional data are included.The work of Salvador Naya, Javier Tarrío-Saavedra, Miguel Flores and Rubén Fernández-Casal has been supported by MINECO grant MTM2017-82724-R, and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2020-14 and Centro de Investigación del Sistema universitario de Galicia ED431G 2019/01), all of them through the ERDF. The research of Miguel Flores has been partially supported by Grant PII-DM-002-2016 of Escuela Politécnica Nacional of Ecuador. In addition, the research of Javier Tarrío-Saavedra has been also founded by the eCOAR project (PC18/03) of CITICXunta de Galicia; ED431C-2020-14Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Escuela Politécnica Nacional de Ecuador; PII-DM-002-201

    Assessment of Rainwater Harvesting Potential from Roof Catchments through Clustering Analysis

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    Rainwater harvesting from rooftop catchments represents a climate change adaptation measure that is especially significant in areas affected by water scarcity. This article develops a Geographic Information Systems-based methodology to evaluate the spatial distribution of rainwater catchment potential to identify the most favorable urban areas for the installation of these infrastructures. Since performance and water saving potential of rainwater harvesting systems greatly depends on population density and roof size, this assessment was performed for each residential plot on a per capita basis, based on cadastral data and a method of demographic disaggregation. Furthermore, to evaluate spatial variation of runoff coefficient per building, a supervised classification was carried out to consider the influence of roof types on the rainwater catchment potential. After calculating rainwater catchment potential per capita for each residential plot, the spatial clustering of high (hot spots) and low values (cold spots) was assessed through the Getis-Ord General G statistic. Results indicate a spatial pattern of high rainwater catchment potential values in low-density urban areas, where rainwater catchment systems are expected to offer a better performance and a shorter amortization period. These results may be useful for the enactment of local legislation that regulates the obligation to install these infrastructures or offers subsidies for their implementation.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant Number CSO2015-65182-CS-2-P. This work is also a result of a predoctoral fellowship (FPU15/01144) and postdoctoral fellowship (IJCI-2016/29016), granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport